czwartek, 14 maja 2009

Optex, fairness v.s. convoys and critical regions

Interesting, but quit old article concerning synchronization (with fairness, convoys considerations) by Jeffrey Richter can be found at

According to author fairness cannot be assured in .NET - main reason is GC. GC has to suspend threads before execution but sometimes suspended is a thread that invokes unmanaged Win32 WaitForSingleObject or WaitForMultipleObjects function. After wake up order in waiting queue can be different than original. Other sources of lacking fairness are APC and debugger.

Optex synchronization mechanism:
  • point of the presented solutions is to avoid switching into kernel mode (interlocked is used for this task),
  • latter of the presented solutions allows new coming threads pass before threads waiting in semaphore queue (waiting in kernel mode). This unfair solution, in case of constant stream of threads requesting enter, has better throughput than former kernel unlocking solution,
  • fairness is completely sacrificed to avoid convoy problem.

Also some words concerning Critical Regions appear in the article:
  • "hand made" synchronization mechanisms shall invoke BeginCriticalRegion in Enter and EndCriticalRegion in Exit,
  • the mechanism informs CLR host that thread was interrupted (aborted) in critical region and some special action shall be performed (e.g. closing appdomain)
Question - how host is informed?

More Jeffrey Richter on MSDN Magazine -

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